How It Works
There are three types of fat in your body:
- Structural or visceral fat – Fat that surrounds your internal organs.
- Normal fat – Fat that surrounds your bones and constitutes fat stores that are present in lean people.
- Abnormal fat – This is the excess fat that accumulates in your shoulders, abdomen, neck, face, upper arms, hips, thighs, and buttocks.These are the fat stores that cause you to look and be overweight or obese.
All diets, except for the Endless Weight Loss natural hormone program, cause fat loss from muscle mass, structural fat, and normal fat. The fat that you really want to lose – abnormal fat – is stubborn and is only affected after you have lost large amounts of muscle, structural fat, and normal fat. Thus, you lose weight from the places that you don’t want to lose it. Furthermore, after you finish dieting, these areas rapidly build back up and you re-accumulate weight. This pattern is the reason that many dieters report that they lose weight, but they don’t lose the weight that they want to lose.
Our program is unique because the administration of this natural hormone unlocks these abnormal fat stores and allows you to consume them during the diet phase of the program. Those who have taken it while dieting report that it is easy to stay on the diet and they seem to lose inches rapidly from the abnormal fat stores, especially the belly, buttocks, and thigh.
This hormone is produced during pregnancy. The placenta of pregnant women produces it with the sole purpose of providing a 24/7 calorie source for the growing baby. It does so by tapping into fat stores in our bellies, arms, and thighs, releasing those calories to be used as an energy source for the growing baby. This fact is why many women living in areas of the world affected by malnourishment, give birth to normal sized babies. When you diet with it, it has the same effect on these fat stores.
What They Say
Dr. Greenwald
I spent a year doing medical research so I could get to a size eight. After all that research I created the Vivesse Weight Loss Program.
I am only five feet one inch tall. But even though I’m tiny – and what I wouldn’t give to be a willowy five six – I still accomplished some pretty big things. I’ve treated 17,000 patients in the past fifteen years. I was named one of Money Magazine’s top vascular surgeons. My practice was named Hartford’s Finest in 2013 and 2019. We’re rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. Pretty hot stuff, right.
But, I don’t want to make this about my credentials. I’m more interested in telling you about the journey I took that led to Vivesse Weight Loss. So, I’m going to get personal here.
I had four kids and after each one I gained ten pounds. I couldn’t go to the gym and work it off. I was too busy being a vascular surgeon and a mom. You know how that is.
Then the doctor put me on a medication to help my mood. That was the end of it for me. As soon as I started the medicine, I started gaining weight. Ten pounds and I asked her to change my medicine. She told me it was the only medicine for me. Twenty pounds, thirty pounds and still she insisted. I finally dropped that doctor and dropped that medicine. Whew!! But by that point I weighed nearly two hundred pounds. Whatever happened to 130 pounds? I was gross. I was convinced my husband was going to leave me.
And the menopause wasn’t helping. If you’ve been through it, you know how hard it is to lose weight at that dreaded time.
But I had one advantage. I’m a medical doctor. I know how to read medical literature.
So, I camped out many days at the UConn Medical School library. I Googled up a storm.
After a year’s worth of research – and my own unsuccessful forays into Ideal Protein, Jenny Craig and the Paleo diet – I decided to try this natural hormone diet. I liked that you could lose up to a pound a day and preserve your muscle mass. Nothing else did that.
I prescribed the hormone for myself and went on the diet. Immediately, I began to lose weight. And I kept losing it every day. At the end of a 40-day course of this diet I had lost 32 pounds. But that wasn’t good enough for me. I took a few weeks off and then went right back on the program. I lost another 24 pounds.
That’s a total of 56 pounds. I went from a tight size 14 to a size 8. My confidence was restored. I didn’t feel like I had to hide myself away. I could do activities with the kids. I’ve maintained my weight since I stopped the program.
That experience turned me into a diet doctor. I couldn’t find anyone else in the Hartford area that was offering this miraculous natural hormone. Now, I offer it to my patients. If you want to take the journey I took and finally shed those damned pounds then call us at 860-761-6666. Or click the button below and fill out the form. One of our client assistants will get back to you and help you get started on your voyage. Oh, and my husband never left me. He’s a good man.
Weight Loss Center CT
1 Barnard Ln
Bloomfield CT 06002